Hippies Weren’t the Only Ones Saved During the Jesus Movement

All of a sudden, I became a ‘Jesus Freak.’

Deb Wax
6 min readJun 9, 2023


Jesus Freak bracelet. This photograph is © Copyright 2010–2023 to Deb Wax, the photographer. All Rights Reserved. The use of this photograph without the photographer’s written permission is strictly prohibited, and violations will be pursued to the furthest extent allowed under the law. You can find my photographs for commercial use on Shutterstock. There is a charge for the use of any image for commercial purposes.
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The release of the movie Jesus Revolution sparked numerous conversations about the Christian revival that began in California in the early 1970s. Much is said about the conversions of the countless hippies who were known as the Jesus People, Jesus Freaks, and Street Christians. However…



Deb Wax

Deb is a former technical writer who now enjoys penning "two-cent hyperbole."